BlueOnyx 5209R manual install

Please note: The recommended method to install BlueOnyx is to use the ISO image.

However: If you cannot do so, then it is possible to install BlueOnyx 5209R manually.

This instructions are for installing BlueOnyx 5209R on CentOS 7, Scientific Linux 7 or RHEL 7.


1.) Pre-installed CentOS 7, Scientific Linux 7 or RHEL 7 server (minimal install).

2.) Partitions & Filesystems: The partition layout doesn't matter. But if possible set up a separate /home partition, which has some benefits. But we can do without separate /home. The preferred filesystem for all partitions (except /boot and Swap) should be XFS (the CentOS 7 default), but can be EXT4 as well. BTRFS might work, too. But that is - at this time - untested by us.

2.) "root" access

3.) Working network connection and pre-configured network settings.

4.) SELinux must be disabled (see: /etc/selinux/config, SELINUX=disabled). The installer will turn it off if it's still on.


Log in as "root" by SSH or the console. Run this command to install the BlueOnyx 5209R YUM configuration file:

rpm -hUv

Then run this command to install BlueOnyx 5209R and all its dependencies:

yum groupinstall blueonyx

Let it grab and install the stuff. It'll be around 800-1200 RPMs. That kind of depends on your base install. This will take a while to finish.

After the RPMs have been installed via YUM you *must* run this command:


After you have run that script it will tell you to reboot. Please do so. DO NOT SKIP THE REBOOT!!!

This reboot is important, as the script reconfigured your Grub configuration to use traditional style network interfaces (ethX) and also did a few other steps that will kick in during the reboot Such as the creation the user "admin", which you need to login to the GUI. After the reboot login via the console or by SSH. If all went well your server should *not* have lost the network configuration during the reboot and the first CCEd start, so login via SSH should be possible.

After the reboot login as user "root" with the password "blueonyx". The login will automatically start the script /root/ for you. Depending on how fast you logged in the initial run of constructors and setup scripts is not yet finished. The installer will ask you to wait and will loop through the waiting screen until the setup is complete. Then it will ask you to configure the network settings.

DO NOT SKIP THIS STEP! Even if your network is still working! This is needed to get the network details into CODB and to restart some services.

Once that's done you might be able to reach the GUI by pointing your browser to port 444 (GUI via HTTP) or port 81 (GUI via HTTPS).

Please note:

This install procedure only works for BlueOnyx 5209R. It is by far the cleanest BlueOnyx version as far as he install is concerned and the RPMs and their post install scripts do a lot of setup related tasks which the same RPMs for older BlueOnyx versions didn't.

If you have any questions about or problems with the install procedure, then please ask on the BlueOnyx mailing list.