5106R/5107R/5108R YUM updates

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

Several updates were released today to fix some small problems.

The following updates have been released:

base-user (5106R, 5107R + 5108R):

This update fixes problems related to deletion of "Server Administrators". On 5107R and 5108R the deletion of "Server Administrators" would fail, as the underlying /usr/sbin/userdel command claimed the user in question was still logged in - even if it was not.

base-vsite (5106R, 5107R + 5108R):

This is just a maintenance update with no fixes or changes, other than adding a dependency for the RPM "mod_authnz_external", which must be installed. On 5108R it was missing.

mod_authnz_external (5106R, 5107R + 5108R):

This RPM extends the Apache webserver with provisions to allow authenticated access to files or directories. It was missing on 5108R and a bit outdated on 5106R and 5107R. This update contains the latest version of mod_authnz_external that applies to our version of Apache. It also contains the additions that Brian N. Smith from NuOnce Networks once created for the 5106R version of this RPM. For more details about the usage of password protected /web directories please check this file on your BlueOnyx: /root/PAM_AUTH_EXTERNAL.READ-ME

swatch (5106R, 5107R + 5108R):

A few days ago "swatch" was already updated to extend "Active Monitor" emails about unusual CPU usage with the output of the "top" command for better diagnostics. This update contains a small fix, as only the emails about "heavy" and "normal" CPU usage contained the output of the "top" command, while reports about "moderate" CPU usage were missing them.

Aug 3, 2012 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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