Updated 5209R Beta ISO

Posted by: mstauber Category: General

An updated BlueOnyx 5209R Beta ISO has been released.

In the last three days since the first beta release of BlueOnyx 5209R we published a number of fixes. These are available through YUM. But to speed up new installs we just released an updated BlueOnyx 5209R Beta ISO for those wanting to try it out and who haven't downloaded the first ISO yet.

The published fixes bring the password strength test back in line with what it was on older BlueOnyx versions. Additionally we made sure that password handling in the GUI now properly escapes all passwords before applying them to the system. Services which only take a limited subset of special characters as password (such as JSP and MySQL) now only accept passwords they can handle and warn you if you try to set a password that contains unsupported characters.

Feb 6, 2015 Category: General Posted by: mstauber
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